

Security Policies

Our School is equipped with a security video monitoring system, a biometric fingerprinting system, and electronic door coding. Each person picking up or dropping off will need a main door code and a registered fingerprint for child security.

CCTV cameras are planted all-round the school premises for the following purposes

  • To protect pupils, staff and visitors.
  • To increase personal safety and reduce the fear of crime.
  • To protect the school buildings and assets.
  • To protect the personal property of pupils, staff and visitors without prejudice, although responsibility for the safety of personal property remains with the owners.
  • To assist in managing the school and to monitor activities within the school and its grounds to identify criminal activity actually occurring, anticipated, or perceived

Release of CCTV footage

There may be occasions when the school is required to provide external bodies (e.g. police, parents, etc.) with CCTV evidence. This must be organized as follows:

In order to maintain and preserve the integrity of the data; any download video DVD used to record events from the hard drive must be prepared in accordance with the following procedures:

  • Each download video must be new, blank and not previously used.
  • It should be identified by a unique mark together with the date, time and camera number. This should all be noted in the CCTV Log Book. Images may be viewed by the police, and recorded in writing, for the prevention and detection of crime and by authorized school management.
  • Images will only be released to the police on the clear understanding that the downloaded video or images remain the property of the school, and the video, and any images contained are to be treated in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
  • The school also retains the right to refuse permission for the police to pass the downloaded video or image to any other person.
  • Applications received from outside bodies, police, parents, etc, to view or release images will be referred to the school management.
  • Any complaints about the use of CCTV cameras should be sent to the School Management.

Safety policies

Fire precautions

The school has a contract for the maintenance of the fire alarm system and firefighting equipment. Notices giving instructions in the event of a fire are displayed in each classroom and in the staff room, a list of fire wardens is on the information sheet given to all visitors.

A fire drill will be held termly and significant details recorded in the Fire Log.

Children will also be taught how to evacuate the building if the fire alarm sounds anytime.

 Staff will be informed of the arrangements for fire drill immediately on starting at the school.

The fire alarm will be tested monthly.

Medication Policies

All medications are only administered by the School Pediatrician. Parents that need to have medications administered during school time must fill a permitting form (available in the office) and the medication must be in the proper container. The medication is only administered by the School Pediatrician.

If a child requires medicine prescribed on a daily basis it is kept in a drawer in classroom accessed only by the Pediatrician. Other medicines are stored in cabinets at both sites. All medicines administered should be entered on that particular child’s log sheet, this is not applicable to asthma pump or creams applied.

First Aid

The first aid equipment is kept in the classroom, office.

 In the case of any serious injury stay with the person and send for a qualified first aider. All accidents should be entered into the appropriate booklet, detailing treatment given. For head injuries please ensure a head letter is sent home. Any person dealing with an open wound or spillage of body fluid (including grazes) MUST wear the disposable gloves provided. Any significant near misses (like sliding, but not actually falling, on spilled liquid) should be reported to the Director.

Management of Communicable Diseases and Illness

Here in Shirley’s Treasures, we make it a priority to have a neat and healthy environment for the children. If this is your child’s first experience in school or a group setting, they may be more prone to illness as their body is building up its immunity.

As part of our admission policy, you will be required to prove to us that your child has taken all vaccinations and Immunizations required for the child’s age. We strongly advice against bringing a sick child to us to avoid spread of illnesses.

If a child is undergoing medication, and has to be administered during school hours, such prescription medication must be accompanied by a data which must include

  • Child’s full name
  • Doctor’s name and phone number
  • Name of medication
  • Dosage amounts and times to be administered
  • Method of medication (that is IV or oral, etc)
  • Reason for medication
  • Date medication will end
  • Directions for medications
  • Parent’s name and signature

If your child becomes ill for any reason while in our care, they need to be picked up within the hour from the time the parent is informed of the illness.

The following precautions shall be taken when a child shows symptoms of a communicable disease:

  1. The School shall immediately notify the parent of the child’s condition.
  2. A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall immediately be isolated and discharged;
  • Diarrhea- Three or more unusually loose stools in a 24-hour period.
  • Severe coughing
  • Difficult or rapid breathing
  • Yellowish skin or eyes
  • Redness of eyes, discharge, matted eyelashes, burning or itching of eye Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • Untreated infected skin patches
  • Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
  • Evidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations
  • Vomiting more than once, or once with any other sign or symptom of illness

Children should not return to the school until they are free of symptoms for at least 24 hours.

Diseases for Immunizations

  • Chicken Pox
  • Diphtheria
  • Hemophilic Influenza Type B
  • Hepatitis A
  • Hepatitis B
  • Influenza
  • Measles
  • Mumps
  • Pertussis
  • Pneumococcal Disease
  • Tetanus

We appreciate and support the rights of parents to decide if their child will be immunized. To provide the safest environment and for the safety of other children and staff, we will enroll any child who is not immunized or up to date with their immunizations. We do make exceptions for children that are allergic to the required immunizations and are unable to take them. This must be documented by the primary physician stating that this is the exact reason.


The School will administer medications only after the request for medication form is filled out entirely by the parent. A doctor will be required to fill out Box#2 for prescription medication taken for an extended period and any OTC medicine that will need to be administered for more than 3 days or does not have proper dosage information.


Medication may NOT be stored in book bags, diaper bags, or handed to teachers in the classroom. All medications must go to the Director to ensure all forms have been completed properly.

Accidents/ injuries

We will ensure that your child is safe, and will monitor your child closely to avoid injuries, if any accidents /injuries occur, we will attend to it using our First Aid Kit, and you will be duly informed before any measure is taken. For serious injuries, you will be called upon, and the child taken to our hospital.

Child Behavior Management Policy

When children receive positive, non-aggressive, and understanding interactions from adults, they develop good self-concepts, problem solving abilities, and self-discipline. Based on this belief how children learn and develop values. Shirley Treasure Schools will practice the following behavior management policy:

Biting Policy

If your child bites another child in school, you will be notified at the end of the evening with a behavior report for major bites, or verbally by the teacher. The child will be separated from the other child and will be asked to help “check on” their friend or help them feel better. We will encourage children to use their words and may ask the child that was bit to say “No, I don’t like that!” or “Stop!” The second time a child bites in a day, parents will be contacted via phone or email. The event will be documented on a behavior report. The third time a child bites in a day, they will be sent home for the day. Parents will be responsible for picking up their child and will be expected to arrive as soon as possible, but no longer than 1 hour.

Acknowledgement of policies and procedures

Upon enrollment, parents should provide

  • Letter from the pediatrician indicating the child’s health status
  • Vaccination history
  • Previous school reports
  • 2 passport photographs
  • Education fees payment slip/ teller

Parents/ guardians will be liable and charged for any damage caused by their child to school property. A full academic term’s notice is required if a child will be leaving the school. A written notice should be sent to the school or an email sent to admin@shirleytreasures.org

I have received and reviewed a copy of the school’s handbook.

Both parties hereby understand, sign and fully accept all the terms and conditions of the child enrollment document.l

  • Diapers
  • Extra clothes
  • Wipes
  • Prepared labelled bottles
  • Baby food and water or breast milk (properly labeled)
  • Bibs, baby powder, baby comb (if necessary)
  • Diaper bag (Big enough to contain used bottles and clothes to be sent home)
  • Handy towels and Vaseline

Please note: All items must be labelled with the child’s first and last name.