We know that choosing the best childcare facility for your child can be very tasking. We are here to make the journey an easier and exciting one. We take pride in working with families and children as they shift into a new environment.
Your child’s first week with us will be all about welcoming and inviting your child into our schedules, letting your child to adjust at his or her stride, and allowing your child’s teacher to get acquainted with your child. This handbook contains important information about our school and will answer many of the questions that you may have about us.
If at any time during your registration you have any questions, we will be happy to assist and encourage you to bring them to the School Director. Please be aware that this handbook may be updated periodically to accommodate the interest of our families. Please read it completely and have it always available during your kid’s time with us here.
We are excited to have you join our family and we look forward to providing top quality care and education for your child!
School Hours
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday— 7:00am-5:00pm
School numbers: 07025550026, 07025550027
Director: Shirley Echendu –
School website:
Our mission
To provide a safe, reliable, positive learning environment using the Reggio Emilia philosophy of early childhood education and offering the highest quality education. To recognize and value each child’s individual needs and strengths as unique. To support children in acquiring moral values and attitudes.
Core values
Honesty, Integrity, Commitment to innovation and development, respect, kindness.
To impart in our children higher-order thinking and logical analysis skills, and foster age-appropriate growth and learning.
Attendance Policy
We request that children arrive for a regular day no later than 7:00 a.m. Most of the daily schedules are based on having all our staff and children on time for activities and play times. We have an ‘Open door’ policy. Parents/Guardians may come and go as they please. We welcome you to be a part of classrooms and any daily activities.
All children should be dropped off prior to 7:00 a.m. daily
Late Arrival Policy
In the instance you will be late, please call the office and let the School Director know for activities, available to accommodate your child’s arrival.
Personal Property
Shirley’s Treasures does not assume any responsibility for personal property including, but not limited to clothing, cameras, cell phones, purses, wallets, vehicles, lost, damaged or left unattended on school premises.
Drop Off/Pick Up Times and Procedures
Drop off and pick up must be by a person 18 years or older. Teachers will sign all children in and out daily. Please make sure that people who are authorized on your pick-up list are clearly aware that they may have to present a photo ID more than once-, if it is not on the regular pick up list.
Late pick-up
If you will be arriving late for pick-up, please know that we understand there could be circumstances beyond your control, but a phone call is requested. A parent beyond 30 minutes late will be charged a NGN1000 fee plus NGN100 every 5 minutes after the first 30 minutes. This amount is paid to staff that must remain to provide care until you arrive.
Special custody arrangements
It is compulsory that all custody arrangements be presented in writing during the initial enrollment or as a change in family events occurs. No verbal arrangements will be accepted. Please submit any court ordered documentation. Only persons listed on the custody arrangement and enrollment as authorized persons for pick up will be able to pick up the child. Photo ID’s are mandatory.
School Trips
We believe that an important part of Early childhood learning emanates from the ability to include certain activities. We believe that organized visits to businesses that support learning is essential to allow children to learn and connect with the wider community. We schedule routine trips and permission slips are provided and explained to families at the time of enrollment. Parents can decide if their child or children will attend.
Picking Your Child Up During the School Day
If you are picking up your child during the day, please notify the School Director who will notify the teachers of expected times so that the child is ready.
After School Care
Shirley’s Treasures Schools have services available for our children. If your child will be absent from this program, we ask that you notify the School
Swimming/Water Play
We will occasionally host outdoor water play using sprinklers and water tables. Parents are asked to follow the lesson plan schedule and provide appropriate water clothing and shoes. Located in your enrollment packet is the permission slip for your child to participate in our water learning activities. Staff responsibility during water play is critical to the safety of the children. Children who do not participate in water play will remain outdoors but will do a separate activity with another staff member. Staff will be assigned designated roles during the water play time.
Outdoor Play
The School will provide outside play for the all age groups in suitable weather daily. Our older toddlers will receive outside play time when able to master the playground area, or for buggy rides. We will adjust scheduled outdoor times due to rain, or high heat. If the children are not able to play outdoors, then gross motor activities will be conducted inside.
We offer a variety of discounts for our families. If applicable, a family may utilize one discount for following items:
- Sibling Discount 10% (Comes off the second child)
- Local Teacher 5% (Must show school ID)
Note: One discount per family
Mindfulness Programming
Our Mindfulness programs are inclusive of the whole person, mind, body and spirit, promoting a calm, focused, alert, aware and creative state of mind contributing directly to the development of cognitive, performance and executive functioning skills.
Mindfulness is an experiential activity that can support one’s mental, emotional and spiritual health. We teach children and adults alike how to quiet their mind, be in the present moment and heal from the inside out. We believe that everyone has the potential to manifest their own goals through mindfulness practice.
Shirley’s Treasures has developed both individual and group sessions for all ages to learn about meditation, energy, and focus. Our programs include Mindfulness, Yoga, Movement, work, Nutrition, Mentoring, Meditation, and Life Skills classes
Management of Communicable Diseases and Illness
Here in Shirley’s Treasures, we make it a priority to have a neat and healthy environment for the children. If this is your child’s first experience in school or a group setting, they may be more prone to illness as their body is building up its immunity.
As part of our admission policy, you will be required to prove to us that your child has taken all vaccinations and Immunizations required for the child’s age. We strongly advice against bringing a sick child to us to avoid spread of illnesses.
If a child is undergoing medication, and has to be administered during school hours, such prescription medication must be accompanied by a data which must include
- Child’s full name
- Doctor’s name and phone number
- Name of medication
- Dosage amounts and times to be administered
- Method of medication (that is IV or oral, etc)
- Reason for medication
- Date medication will end
- Directions for medications
- Parent’s name and signature
If your child becomes ill for any reason while in our care, they need to be picked up within the hour from the time the parent is informed of the illness.
The following precautions shall be taken when a child shows symptoms of a communicable disease:
- The School shall immediately notify the parent of the child’s condition.
- A child with any of the following signs or symptoms of illness shall immediately be isolated and discharged;
- Diarrhea- Three or more unusually loose stools in a 24-hour period.
- Severe coughing
- Difficult or rapid breathing
- Yellowish skin or eyes
- Redness of eyes, discharge, matted eyelashes, burning or itching of eye Conjunctivitis (pink eye)
- Untreated infected skin patches
- Unusually dark urine and/or gray or white stool
- Evidence of lice, scabies, or other parasitic infestations
- Vomiting more than once, or once with any other sign or symptom of illness
Children should not return to the school until they are free of symptoms for at least 24 hours.
Diseases for Immunizations
- Chicken Pox
- Diphtheria
- Hemophilic Influenza Type B
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- Influenza
- Measles
- Mumps
- Pertussis
- Pneumococcal Disease
- Tetanus
We appreciate and support the rights of parents to decide if their child will be immunized. To provide the safest environment and for the safety of other children and staff, we will enroll any child who is not immunized or up to date with their immunizations. We do make exceptions for children that are allergic to the required immunizations and are unable to take them. This must be documented by the primary physician stating that this is the exact reason.
The School will administer medications only after the request for medication form is filled out entirely by the parent. A doctor will be required to fill out Box#2 for prescription medication taken for an extended period and any OTC medicine that will need to be administered for more than 3 days or does not have proper dosage information.
Medication may NOT be stored in book bags, diaper bags, or handed to teachers in the classroom. All medications must go to the Director to ensure all forms have been completed properly.
Accidents/ injuries
We will ensure that your child is safe, and will monitor your child closely to avoid injuries, if any accidents /injuries occur, we will attend to it using our First Aid Kit, and you will be duly informed before any measure is taken. For serious injuries, you will be called upon, and the child taken to our hospital.
Parent /Teacher Meetings
Parent / Teacher meetings will be held quarterly for all classrooms. This conference is a chance for you to discuss your child’s progress over the course of the school year, as well as give you an opportunity to speak to your child’s teacher about any concerns / advice for helping your child at home. Your child’s teacher will share formal assessments with you and answer any questions you may have
Little Penguins (less than 1 year) Daily Schedule
7am – 8:30am: Arrival/Free play
8:30am – 9am: Breakfast
9am – 9:30am: Routine care
9:30am – 9:45a: Outdoor Play
9:45am – 10am Wash hands and faces
10am – 10.30am: Arts/Dramatic play
10:30am – 11am: Language & Literacy
11am – 1130am: Routine Care
11.30am -12pm: Lunch
12pm -2pm: Nap time/Outdoor Play
2pm – 2.30pm: Routine Care
2.30pm – 3pm: Afternoon snack
3pm – 3.30p: Music & Movement
330pm – 4pm: Fine motor
4pm-4.30pm: Routine care
4.30pm-5pm: Free play/Departure
Todds & Twos (1-2 years) Daily Schedule
7am – 8am: Free play/Arrival
8am – 8.30am: Breakfast
8.30am -9am: Routine care
9am – 9.30am: Outdoor Play
930am – 10am: Wash hands
10am – 10.30am: Art/Dramatic play
10.30am – 11am: Language & Literacy
11am -11.30am: Routine Care
11.30am – 12pm: Lunch
12pm – 2pm: Nap time/Outdoor Play
2pm – 2.30pm: Routine Care
2.30pm – 3pm: Music and Movement
3pm – 3:30pm: Fine motor
3.30pm – 4pm: Routine care
4pm -4.30pm : Science & Math with loose parts
430pm – 5pm: Free play/Departure
Daisies (2-3 years) Daily Schedule
7am – 8:30am: Arrival/Free play
8:30am -9am: Breakfast
9am – 9:15am: Routine care
9:15am – 9:45am: Science & Math with Loose Parts
9:45am – 10am: Sensory play/Manipulatives
10am – 10:30am: Art (STEAM)
10:30am – 11am: Outdoor play
11am – 11:15am: Routine Care
11:15am – 11:45am: Lunch
11:45am – 12pm: Wash Hands
12pm – 2pm: Nap
2pm – 2:15pm: Routine Care
2:15pm – 2:30pm: Afternoon snack
2:30pm – 3pm: Outdoor play
3pm – 3.30pm: Music & Movement
3.30pm – 4pm: Language & Literacy
4pm – 430pm: Routine care
4.30pm – 5pm: Free play/Departure
Preschoolers (3-4 years) Daily Schedule
7am – 8:30am: Arrival/ Free play
8:30am – 9am: Breakfast
9am – 9:30am: Math & Technology (STEAM)
9:30am – 9:45 am: Science & Discovery with Loose Parts
9:45am – 10am: Sensory play/Manipulatives
10am – 10:30am: Large Group
10:30am – 11am: Handwriting
11am – 11:30am: Outdoor play
11:30am – 11:45am: Wash hands
11:45am – 12:15pm: Lunch
12:15pm – 2:15pm: Nap
2:15pm – 2:30pm: Afternoon Snack
2:30pm – 2:45pm: Outdoor play
2:45pm – 3:15pm: Art (STEAM)
3:15pm – 3:45pm: Music & Movement
3:45pm – 4:15pm: Language & Literacy
4:15pm – 4:30pm: Small Group
4.30pm – 5pm: Free play/Departure
Kindergarten (4-5 years) Daily Schedule
7am – 8am: Arrival/Free play
8am – 8:30am: Handwriting & Journaling
8:30am – 9am: Breakfast
9am – 9:30am: Math
9:30am – 10am: Science & Discovery with Loose Parts
10am – 10:15am: Sensory play/Manipulatives
10:15am – 10:45am: Art (STEAM)
10:45am – 11:15am: Large group
11:15am – 11:30am: Routine Care
11:30am – 12pm: Outdoor play/Wash hands
12pm – 12:30pm: Lunch
12:30pm – 2:30pm: Nap
2:30pm – 3pm: Afternoon snack
3pm – 3:30pm: Outdoor play
3:30pm – 4pm: Music & Movement
4pm – 4:30pm: Language & Literacy
4:30pm – 4:45pm: Small group
4:45pm – 5pm: Free play/Departure